Arab Knesset member Aida Touma stated that “the draft resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state reveals the true face of the majority governing Israel, including the so-called center, as Benny Gantz’s party voted in favor of the resolution.”

In exclusive remarks, Aida Touma added, “The true rejection of any move towards peace lies within the current Israeli government and political circles outside the government that adopt the same stance.” She emphasized that “the decision expresses Israel’s unwillingness to engage in negotiations to end the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian people in general. It reflects a desire among broad sectors of Israeli society to create what they call Greater Israel by annexing large areas of Palestinian territories under full Israeli control.”

Aida Touma explained that “the decision highlights efforts to push Palestinians towards either migration and displacement from their lands or acceptance of the status quo and Israeli control, revealing the political dynamics within Israel. This imposes an urgent responsibility on the international community to act to prevent such trends against the Palestinian people.”

She believes that “the majority of Israeli politicians do not want the two-state solution and prefer to impose the status quo. The international community must act immediately to defend the two-state solution it has adopted.” She noted that “everyone now knows who stands against resolving the issue.”

Earlier today, the Israeli Knesset (parliament) voted by a majority on a resolution affirming Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River, arguing that it would “perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region.” The resolution states that “the Knesset strongly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River,” considering that “such a state in the heart of Israel would pose an existential threat to Israel and its citizens and would perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region.”

The Palestinian presidency confirmed today that “there will be no peace or security for anyone without the establishment of a Palestinian state according to international legitimacy.” In response to the Knesset’s approval of the resolution rejecting a Palestinian state, Palestinian presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said, “Terrorism is the occupation that continues its aggression by killing children, women, and the elderly,” according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

Abu Rudeineh added that “the Palestinian state exists with the recognition of the entire world, with 149 UN member states recognizing Palestine, and international recognitions continue, affirming that the realization of our independent state does not require anyone’s permission or legitimacy.” He pointed out that “these decisions demonstrate Israel’s ruling coalition’s insistence on pushing the entire region into disaster,” holding the United States responsible for its bias towards and unlimited support for Israel.

He added that “the occupation government is not interested in peace, which will not be achieved without the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders.” He noted that UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, along with international consensus, have granted Palestine observer status at the UN and raised its flag alongside the recognized nations.

All areas of the Gaza Strip are suffering a severe crisis in water and food due to the destruction of infrastructure and water desalination plants by the Israeli army. The UN has warned of the repercussions of the hunger crisis in Gaza amid ongoing war between Hamas and Israel. Since the outbreak of the devastating war on Gaza on October 7, the Israeli army has tightened its siege on the Gaza Strip, cutting off water, food, medicine, electricity, and fuel supplies to its 2.3 million residents, who already face dire conditions.

source: lualuatv

Aida Touma


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