Heba Morayef, the Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, expressed her concern over the campaign of arrests being carried out by Tunisian authorities against political opposition in Tunisia, describing it as a blatant violation of human rights and an attempt to undermine political dissent.

On July 13, Tunisian authorities arrested Al-Ajmi Lourimi, Secretary-General of the Ennahda Party (political opposition in Tunisia), along with two other members, Mohamed Al-Ghannoudi and Mosaab Al-Gharbi, in the Manouba Governorate during what appeared to be a routine road check. They remain detained without charges.

Morayef explained that the detainees were unaware of any investigation or arrest warrants against them at the time of their detention. Their lawyers were not allowed to meet them for 48 hours, nor were they informed of the case details or the charges against them.

The Regional Director added that these arrests come at a critical time before the presidential elections, heightening concerns.

She called on Tunisian authorities to inform the detainees of the reason for their arrest, grant them immediate access to legal counsel, and release them immediately unless they are charged with recognizable criminal offenses according to international standards.

The Amnesty International official also warned that failing to do so indicates that these arrests are politically motivated and aim to silence the political opposition in Tunisia.

stop the arrest of political opposition in Tunisia

In this context, Morayef called for an end to the crackdown on dissidents and the respect for human rights, highlighting a series of arbitrary arrests targeting journalists, lawyers, activists, and critical politicians, as well as undermining judicial independence.

She emphasized the need to change this repressive course and prioritize human rights in the government’s agenda.

Over the past year, Tunisian authorities have intensified their repression against prominent opposition figures.

Many members of the political opposition in Tunisia have been arrested, including senior members of the Ennahda Party such as its leader, Rached Ghannouchi, who has been detained since April 2023, Noureddine Bhiri, and others who are facing politically motivated charges, according to Amnesty International.

The presidential elections in Tunisia are scheduled for October 6, 2024.

source: lualuatv


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