An occupying army tank ran over a wounded Palestinian woman in front of her son in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor documented a new crime by the occupying army in the Shuja’iyya neighborhood against a Palestinian family (a mother, three daughters, one son, and an infant grandchild).

In a statement, the Human Rights Monitor reported that Israeli army soldiers raided the home of this Palestinian family on Thursday afternoon, firing bullets and bombs.

According to the Human Rights Monitor, the Israeli soldiers forced the family members out of their home and, despite their injuries, detained them near Israeli tanks in a dangerous conflict zone for more than three hours, using them as human shields.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor emphasized that the mother of this family, who was severely wounded, was still alive when she was run over by an Israeli tank in front of her son.

source: lualuatv


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