Bahraini Society Against Normalization called on the Bahraini authorities to release Professor Ibrahim Sharif, emphasizing that his arrest for expressing his opinion regarding the events in Gaza constitutes a confiscation of the legitimate right of every Bahraini citizen.

Bahraini Society Against Normalization reiterated the importance of the right to expression for national forces and figures. This right is considered an integral part of freedom of expression in public affairs. This comes in the context of the serious conditions facing the Palestinian people, including challenges, war crimes, and genocide.

The statement issued by the Bahraini Society Against Normalization reaffirmed its commitment to expressing the positions of the Bahraini people and their original values, with emphasis on its support for the historical rights of the Palestinian people. The statement also announced the initiative’s rejection of any trend towards normalization with the Zionist enemy, which commits daily crimes against the local population, and strives to manipulate their land and Judaize their holy sites, and continue to violate their rights and dignity.

The statement also pointed out that the events that have taken place since October 7th clearly show that coexistence with this entity is impossible. The entity has committed horrific massacres against innocent Palestinians, killing more than twenty thousand Palestinians, most of them children and women. To this day, the entity continues to commit massacres and impose an inhumane siege on Gaza, preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid and medicine.

The Bahraini Society Against Normalization’s statement also indicated that the enemy continues to destroy hospitals, schools, and homes, despite the widespread criticism it faces worldwide. This suggests that it is a violent and brutal entity, relying on the backing of Western colonial powers, particularly the United States.

It also emphasized the need to cancel the normalization agreement and expel the israeli ambassador from Bahrain, and rejected the Bahraini government’s accession to a military alliance of several countries, which aims to protect the interests of the entity.”

Ali Al-Fayiz joins his voice to the Bahraini Society Against Normalization

On his part, political activist Ali Al-Fayiz joined the voice of the Bahraini Society Against Normalization and said that the Bahraini regime’s targeting of Ibrahim Sharif aims to reduce the voice of popular rejection of normalization and curb national anger due to the presence of the embassy and the ambassador of the occupying entity in Bahrain.

Al-Fayiz said that the arrest of Ibrahim Sharif is an attempt to silence the voice of the Bahraini opposition that rejects normalization with the Zionist entity and Bahrain’s entry into the US-led maritime coalition against Yemen.

Al-Fayiz stressed that Sharif’s arrest will not achieve any goal, because the escalation of rejection and anger from normalization and the alliance will remain the same, and the ruling Bahraini regime will remain governed by the shame of these positions.

200 Bahraini figures demand the release of Ibrahim Sharif

On the other hand, more than 200 Bahraini figures stood in solidarity with Ibrahim Sharif, who was arrested for his political positions opposing normalization with the Zionist entity, and demanded the immediate release of him by the Bahraini authorities.

The signatories emphasized that the arrest of Mr. Ibrahim Sharif constituted a clear violation of his constitutional and international rights, including his right to express his opinion freely, a right guaranteed to him by the Bahraini Constitution and the National Charter, as well as a right stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil and Political, Social and Cultural Rights, which the Bahraini government has ratified.

The petition signed by 200 people affirmed that Ibrahim Sharif’s position on the Palestinian cause and the practices of the Zionist occupation is the position of the Bahraini people, who stand by the Palestinian people and their just cause. This supports the statement of the Bahraini Society Against Normalization.

“The petition also confirmed that Sharif’s tweets did not go beyond the framework of peaceful expression of opinion, which is a right guaranteed by the constitution and law. They also did not violate any human or religious values. Rather, they were in the context of supporting the Palestinian people and rejecting normalization with the Zionist entity, a position adopted by many figures, individuals, and institutions in Bahrain, including the Bahraini Society Against Normalization with the Zionist Enemy, which issued a statement on December 18, 2023, signed by 26 associations from civil society institutions and political associations. The statement included paragraphs that were clear in content and consistent with Sharif’s tweets.”

source: lualuatv


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