The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the “Tibetan-Chinese conflict resolution assistance” bill signed by U.S. President Joe Biden constitutes a blatant interference in China‘s internal affairs.

In its statement published today on its official website, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong protest in this regard.

According to the Chinese statement, the U.S. President signed the aforementioned bill yesterday, July 12.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the new American document violates the commitments of the American authorities, breaches the basic norms of international relations, constitutes a “gross interference in China’s internal affairs,” seriously harms China’s interests, and sends a completely wrong signal to the forces advocating for “Tibetan independence.”

The statement noted that the Chinese side has lodged a stern and strong protest note to the United States.

The Ministry’s statement reaffirmed that Tibet has been part of China since ancient times, and Tibetan affairs are solely internal Chinese affairs, with Beijing not allowing any external interference. The statement said that any attempts by any force to contain and suppress China using Tibet “will never succeed.”

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that if Washington continues to act without regard for others’ opinions, the Chinese side will firmly take effective measures to protect its sovereignty, security, and developmental interests.

source: lualuatv


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