The painful incident of the death of the young man Hussain Khalil AlRamram, aged 32, in Bahrain’s Jaw Central Prison, is considered by the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society as an opening for discussion on the treatment of prisoners and human rights in the country.

The society stated in a statement that Hussain AlRamram was martyred after a period of torture and medical negligence inside the prison, noting that he had been suffering from serious health complications since his arrest in 2017, and he himself complained in an audio message of the medical neglect he was subjected to.

The association condemned the policy of medical neglect followed by the Ministry of Interior in dealing with prisoners, considering it another form of torture, and called for a transparent investigation into the circumstances of Hussain Khalil AlRamram’s death and holding those responsible accountable.

The association emphasized that this event clearly demonstrates the authorities’ disregard for the lives of prisoners, calling on the international community and the wise to intervene to stop human rights violations in Bahrain and to pressure for the immediate release of all political prisoners without conditions.

Thus, the spotlight is shifting towards the human rights file in Bahrain, where it seems that the authorities’ continued disregard for these issues may exacerbate the problem and increase tension in the country.

source; lualuatv


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