A press report on Tuesday mentioned that Israel is seeking to obtain “Starlink” satellite internet services for potential use in the event of a full-scale war with Lebanon’s “Hezbollah.”

“Starlink” is a subsidiary of “SpaceX,” owned by billionaire Elon Musk. Israel might look to benefit from its services to maintain internet connectivity, which could be disrupted if electricity is cut off in Israel during the war.

The Israeli financial daily newspaper “Calcalist” reported that the Ministries of Finance and Communications are aiming to use 5,000 low-orbit satellites from “Starlink” to ensure a stable flow of data and information to government authorities during emergencies.

Communications Minister Shlomi Karhi had granted permission for “Starlink” to operate in Israel and the Gaza Strip in February.

Israel and “Hezbollah” have been exchanging fire across the border for months, with the Lebanese party stating it will not cease its attacks until a ceasefire is declared in Gaza.

A full-scale war between Israel and “Hezbollah” could lead to rocket attacks on Israel’s power grid and other infrastructure facilities.

source: lualuatv + reuters


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