Amidst the escalating popular protests in Bahrain, aimed at advocating for political prisoners, especially the sick ones, within the prisons, Jaw Prison administration persists in its oppressive and human rights-violating policies towards them.

According to human rights sources, Jaw Prison administration imposes arbitrary and punitive measures on detainees in solitary confinement, based on direct directives from the leadership of the Ministry of Interior, responsible for prisons.

Jafar Yahya, the official spokesperson for the Bahraini Prisoners Affairs Association, made condemning statements regarding the situation, pointing out the imposition of strict isolation on detainees since April, alongside their declaration of a sit-in and their adoption of the demands of protesters in other sections of the prison.

Yahya affirmed the escalation of Jaw Prison administration’s retaliatory measures, including the prohibition of visits and communication with families, intermittent cutting of electricity and water, prohibition of sunlight exposure, denial of medical care to patients, and repeated raid operations.

These measures are considered an escalation of repression, as the prison administration aims to coerce detainees into giving up their demands. However, protesters’ affirmations in front of police stations indicate their refusal to back down and their determination to achieve their demands, including improving prison conditions.

source: lualuatv


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