50 political detainees in Jaw Prison in Bahrain continue to protest against the continued imposition of the security isolation penalty on them

Zainab Al-Khamis, head of the Monitoring and Follow-up Committee at the Bahrain Human Rights Society, denounced the administration of Jaw Prison for ignoring the demands of the detainees, and called for the application of international standards in dealing with protests.

Detainees are held in harsh conditions, including:

  • Prolonged solitary confinement: Some detainees are held in small cells that are no more than two square meters in size, without any human contact or outside activities.
  • Lack of medical care: Many detainees suffer from chronic diseases and do not receive adequate medical care.
  • Restrictions on family meetings: Detainees are only allowed to visit their families once a month, for a period of 30 minutes only.
  • These are just a few of the many human rights abuses that have been reported at Jaw Prison. The Bahraini government must take immediate action to address these abuses and to ensure that all detainees are treated with dignity and respect.

Solitary confinement is a harsh and inhumane punishment, and it is often used as a means of breaking the will of political prisoners.

The protesting detainees have demanded an end to the punishment of solitary confinement, the lifting of the restrictions imposed on them, and the improvement of their detention conditions.

The protests of the detainees have been supported by international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

The international organizations have called on the Bahraini government to respect the rights of political prisoners and to ensure that they are treated humanely.

The Bahraini government has not yet taken any steps to address the demands of the protesting detainees.

The continued imposition of solitary confinement on political prisoners in Jaw Prison is a flagrant violation of human rights.

It is the duty of the international community to pressure the Bahraini government to end these harsh and inhumane practices.

source: lualuatv


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