Amidst the 76th anniversary of Palestinian Nakba Day, the Bahraini National Initiative Against Normalization declares its categorical rejection of the normalization agreement signed by the Bahraini government.

This announcement highlights the outcry of the Bahraini people against normalization, who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian cause and condemn the crimes committed by the Zionist occupation.

The initiative pointed out that this agreement, signed unilaterally, does not reflect the true positions of the Bahraini people. Rather, they see it as a dagger in the back of the Palestinian people, who suffer daily tragedies manifested in the massacres of the occupation.

The initiative reiterated its call to cancel this “odious” agreement on Palestinian Nakba Day and demanded the cancellation of all agreements resulting from it. It also urged for intensified boycott campaigns against supporters of the Zionist entity and emphasized the importance of supporting the Palestinian people through all possible means, whether moral, financial, or political.

In this context, the initiative commended the sacrifices of university students around the world who stood strongly with the Palestinian cause, affirming the significance of standing alongside the Palestinian people in the face of injustice and occupation.

The initiative concluded its statement on Nakba Day by affirming that it represents the nerve and spirit of civil society, renewing its commitment to stand alongside the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for freedom and justice. It also declared its continued efforts to expose the falsehood of any claim that normalization agreements will bring security and prosperity, highlighting the reality that they only serve to perpetuate the crimes of the occupation and justify them.

The associations that signed the statement on the anniversary of Nakba Day:

NumberAssociation Name
1National Democratic Unionist Bloc
2National Unity Gathering
3Bahraini Society for Resisting Normalization with the Zionist Enemy
4Awal Women’s Society
5Hamad Town Women’s Society
6Bahraini Human Rights Society
7Friends of the Environment Society
8Bahraini Transparency Society
9National Constitutional Assembly Association
10National Islamic Platform
11Bahraini Bar Association
12Islamic Row Association
13Bahraini Girl’s Renaissance Society
14Bahraini Women’s Society
15Bahraini Women’s Union
16Rural Girls Society
17Bahraini Youth for Jerusalem Association
18Palestine Advocacy Society
19Bahraini Civil Initiatives Society
20National Democratic Gathering
21Progressive Platform
22Bahraini Youth Society
23Bahraini Social Workers Society
24Bahraini Democratic Youth Society
25Islamic Authenticity Society
26General Union of Workers’ Trade Unions in Bahrain
27Arab Islamic Center Society

source: lualuatv


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