Presidential Security Advisor Jake Sullivan elaborated on the necessary conditions for a joint defense agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, namely normalization with Israel.

Sullivan affirmed that the current administration in the United States would not sign any defense agreement with Saudi Arabia unless the latter accepted normalization with Israel. Reports in the British newspaper “Financial Times” corroborated Sullivan’s statement.

Sullivan emphasized that normalization with Israel is an integral part of a comprehensive vision and cannot be separated from it.

Previous reports from the American newspaper “New York Times” discussed the conditions set by Saudi Arabia to achieve normalization with Israel, including the establishment of a Palestinian state in the occupied territories and a freeze on settlement construction.

According to journalist Thomas Friedman, the normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv requires compliance with specific conditions, including Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, halting settlement construction in the West Bank, and initiating a process to establish a Palestinian state within a specified timeframe.

While some believe that the current Israeli government, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, may not agree to these conditions, others suggest that negotiations could move in this direction once a new Israeli government is willing to meet the requirements of Saudi Arabia and the United States.

source: lualuatv


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