“In a troubling development, the Coordinating Committee for Human Rights Activities in Bahrain reported that authorities are denying water, food, and medical care to political prisoners numbering close to a thousand during the holy month of Ramadan. This action is deemed retaliatory as part of a campaign against activists associated with the ‘Justice is Taken’ movement, with the current conditions likened to the systematic starvation suffered by Gaza residents.

The committee affirmed that the activism persists, emphasizing that the responsibility lies with everyone – the people and the opposition alike – to secure the release of detainees from this dark situation.

The statement concluded with a firm assertion by the committee that the failure to provide water, food, and healthcare will come at a high cost to the regime, for the equation is simple: there is no surrender without a strong popular movement.”

Political Prisoners in bahrain and the international community

“These reports have garnered global condemnation, prompting human rights organizations and the international community to urgently call for intervention to halt these grave violations of human rights. These organizations emphasized the necessity for the Bahraini regime to shoulder its responsibility in protecting the rights of detainees and ensuring the provision of necessary care for them, in accordance with international standards and human rights treaties to which Bahrain is a signatory.

Simultaneously, it is imperative for the international community and regional and international bodies to take decisive action to pressure the Bahraini regime to cease these repressive practices and violations of human rights. These pressures must have an immediate impact in ensuring the rights of detainees and ending their suffering.

The insistence on starving detainees during the holy month of Ramadan constitutes a blatant violation of humanitarian and ethical values, epitomizing the moral failure of those who engage in these oppressive policies. Therefore, the time has come to act decisively and resolutely to stop this disgraceful phenomenon and restore dignity and justice to detainees in Bahrain.”

source: lualuatv


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