Yesterday, Monday, July 10, 2024, Bahrain’s regime courts handed down sentences to 10 Bahraini citizens from the Karzakan area, imposing three months in prison and a fine of 500 Bahraini dinars each. The individuals were charged with participating in a solidarity protest in support of Gaza and the Palestinian people.

According to the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, these individuals had previously been released during Eid al-Fitr on April 8, 2024, after being detained since September of the previous year. The society emphasized that the charges were related to their involvement in peaceful demonstrations expressing solidarity with the suffering of the people in Gaza.

The sentenced individuals include a range of citizens, each known for their active participation in community and humanitarian efforts. The list of those sentenced is as follows: Ali Naji Abbas Marhoon, Ali Yasser Daif, Mohammed Jassim Al-Qattan, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, Mohammed Shawqi, Mohammed Abbas Abdulrasool, Mohammed Mirza Mohammed Abu Hassan, Jassim Mohammed Taher Al-Jabal, Abdullah Abbas Abdulrasool, and Hussain Ahmed Al-Kash.

The sentencing has drawn criticism from various human rights organizations and activists who argue that the Bahraini government’s actions are an attempt to suppress free speech and the right to peaceful assembly. They call for the immediate release of the sentenced individuals and an end to punitive measures against those who stand in solidarity with oppressed communities.

The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society has reiterated its commitment to advocating for the rights of the Bahraini people and supporting just causes globally. They continue to call on the international community to intervene and pressure the Bahraini government to uphold human rights and allow its citizens to express their views without fear of retribution.

source: lualuatv


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