In recent times, tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated significantly, reaching a climax with the Iranian attack on Israel. This attack comes in the context of ongoing tensions between the two countries, and Iran launched this assault as a lawful response to the Israeli aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

Official media outlets in Iran have extensively covered this attack, affirming that it falls within the framework of legitimate defense of national sovereignty and in response to previous Israeli aggressions. The following is a detailed analysis of this attack and its potential repercussions:

  1. Redefining the border line: The Iranian attack represents a new red line in the conflict between Iran and Israel, signaling a escalation in tensions between the two.
  2. Exposing American weakness: These attacks reveal the limitations and the reality of American ability to prevent hostile actions in the region, thus bolstering Iran’s position as a major player in the Middle East.
  3. Israeli deterrence weakened: Israel’s ability to deter Iranian attacks has diminished, necessitating greater American support for its defense.
  4. Testing Iran’s military capabilities: These attacks showcase the strength of Iran’s military infrastructure and its defensive capabilities.
  5. Increasing Iranian support: Iran is expected to gain popularity among Palestinians, Arab, and Islamic communities as a result of these attacks.
  6. Growing Iranian influence: This attack underscores the increasing influence of Iran in the Middle East.
  7. Foreign and domestic policy: Understanding Iran’s foreign policy must take into account its impact on domestic policy.
  8. Strengthening Hezbollah’s capabilities: These attacks contribute to enhancing Hezbollah’s ability to counter any future attacks against Israel.
  9. Escalation of the nuclear crisis: If the crisis between the two countries shifts from defense to offense, Iran may intensify its nuclear activities.

The repercussions of the Iranian attack on Israel: The attack on the “Netavim” airbase

The “Netavim” airbase, which was taken out of service as a result of the missile attack launched by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard early this morning, is considered one of the largest military bases held by the occupation.

Located near the settlement of “Be’er Sheva” in the south of the occupied territories.

The “Netavim” base contains three runways for aircraft and is a location for the deployment of “F-35” aircraft. It was also used as a center for Zionist espionage aircraft.

In the Iranian attack on Israel last night, the buildings used by these agencies were directly targeted by two simultaneous missile strikes from Iran, resulting in their complete destruction according to field information. Until this moment, the Zionists are working to extract bodies from under the rubble.

According to preliminary estimates, the reliable source indicates the death of more than 60 Zionist intelligence officers in this operation.

Continuing with developments, Israeli Channel “12” pointed out that Saudi Arabia and Jordan were part of the surveillance and response system under the management of the United States!

In summary, the Iranian attack on Israel reflects the escalating tensions between the two countries and leaves significant implications for politics and security in the region.

source: lualuatv


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