Warnings escalated regarding the Israeli economy following the Gaza War, with economic reports indicating significant accumulative losses. In an interview with the Israeli economic affairs correspondent for “Walla” website, Yehuda Sharoni adopted a perspective predicting an economic catastrophe for the entity, describing the situation as Israel being marginalized in the global economy.

He noted negative signals coming from various angles, including from the United States itself.

Sharoni discussed Turkey’s decision to ban some Israeli goods, adding it to the list of measures taken by other countries in this context. He pointed out statements from the Governor of the Israeli Central Bank, Amir Yaron, confirming the loss of international investors.

Furthermore, Sharoni highlighted a decrease in confidence in the local market, citing remarks from Yishai Davidi, founder of an investment fund in the country. He also drew attention to other negative ramifications, such as the United States opening an investigation against an Israeli company for trade violations.

These adverse economic developments come amidst the continued deterioration of the Israeli economy, with rising unemployment levels and high military operation costs that have forced the occupying entity to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars.

source: lualuatv


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