Protest in London on the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 revolution.

Protest in London on the anniversary of February 14 revolution

On the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 revolution in Bahrain, Bahraini opposition forces organized a Protest in front of the Bahraini embassy in London, with the participation of a number of politicians and activists.

During the Protest, former opposition MP Dr. Jalal Fairooz emphasized that Bahrainis are determined to demand freedom and democracy, while the regime continues to ignore these demands.

In a speech at the sit-in, political opposition figure Ali Al-Fayez condemned the regime’s insistence on arresting opposition figures, affirming that the revolution continues against injustice.

As the revolution enters its thirteenth consecutive year, Dr. Saeed Al-Shihabi, a leader in the Bahraini Freedom Movement, clarified that the revolution persists until the demands of the Bahrainis are met.

Political activist Ali Mashaima highlighted Bahrainis’ solidarity with Palestine, contrary to official trends.

Participants agreed on the demand for the regime to change its policy of monopolizing power and to work towards meeting the demands of justice, democracy, and political partnership.

source: lualuatv


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