The political detainees in Jaw Central Prison urged the Bahraini people to activate the revolution slogan “Build Permanent, Stay Resilient” through all possible civilized means and tools. This includes working diligently and raising awareness to realize the magnitude of the challenges facing the nation and the seriousness of the current stage.

In their statement on the occasion of the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 revolution, the political detainees in Bahrain pointed out significant obstacles in the local and regional arenas. They emphasized the need for a proper diagnosis of the priorities and demands of the current stage, followed by the formation of a clear vision that paves the way towards building a strong and lasting foundation that leads us towards victories.

The statement added that the construction we aspire to requires patience and steadfastness in resistance, stemming from our belief in our just cause and its noble values, as well as genuine loyalty under the wise and divine leadership of our working scholars, led by His Eminence Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim, may God protect him, who represents a symbol of this journey.

The detainees pointed out that the current situation requires us to be aware and have a proper understanding of the developments surrounding us, and to have a discerning look at the twisted policies battle and the dangerous schemes implemented by the authority.

They stressed the importance of embodying the revolutionary spirit drawn from the lessons of Karbala and the teachings of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), which call for establishing truth and confronting falsehood, repelling dangerous and destructive policies that drain the resources of nations, and attempting to erase the authentic Islamic identity.

In conclusion, the detainees extended their greetings to the Bahraini people, encouraging participation in various peaceful activities under the slogan “Build Permanent, Stay Resilient” to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of the revolution, while emphasizing the importance of full solidarity with our brothers and loved ones in Gaza and occupied Palestine.

source: lualuatv


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