The most prominent and important statements of the Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society and political detainees in Bahrain on the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 Revolution

A number of political prisoners in Jaw Central Prison affirmed, in statements on the occasion of the anniversary of February 14 revolution, that the Bahraini people achieved a tremendous victory in their movement thirteen years ago.

The political prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment, Ali Al-Shoikh, pointed to the continuity of the Bahraini people’s stances and their adherence to their legitimate human demands over the past thirteen years, confirming that the authorities failed to subdue the people and are now in a state of despair after exhausting millions in bolstering repression apparatuses without making any real progress.

Abdul Amir Yousif, the political prisoner sentenced to over 100 years, mentioned that the Bahraini people stand as a clear example of resilience and political steadfastness, emphasizing the importance of continuing the memory and revolutionary heritage for future generations, describing it as a significant political victory.

According to Sayed Abbas Sayed Mahdi, the political prisoner sentenced to 32 years, the Bahraini people’s movement was successful thirteen years ago, noting that this victory prevented the authorities from responding to the people’s demands and led them to align with Zionists to achieve political gains at the expense of humanitarian issues.

Kadhim Al-Muqaff, the political prisoner sentenced to 43 years, affirmed the resilience of the Bahraini people and their adherence to their demands over the past thirteen years, considering it evidence of the authorities’ failure to tame the people despite using all means of repression and violence, and indicating that this resilience forced the authorities to surrender and pledge allegiance to the Zionists.

Al-Wefaq Statements on the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 Revolution

Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society called on the Bahraini authorities to bear historical responsibility by urging them to achieve comprehensive national unity to overcome the political, human rights, and economic fragmentation that has brought the country and its people to the brink of collapse after a long period of division.

In a statement issued on the occasion of the February 14 Revolution anniversary in Bahrain, the association emphasized the importance of this anniversary as a comprehensive national turning point to reassess the country’s reality in the areas of constitution, politics, human rights, and economy, especially in light of the widening gap between the government and the people and the increasing social insecurity among various segments of society.

The association considered Bahrain to be going through a difficult period of national unity disintegration and political partnership collapse, noting that all previous attempts to overcome these crises had failed, and that the people had lost confidence in the current political system, which had witnessed a deterioration to pre-independence levels. This tragic reality cannot be ignored on all levels.

The association called for the search for a serious action plan to overcome this difficult period and resolve the accumulated crises by presenting national interest as the basis for action to achieve stability, unity, and justice in Bahrain.

It emphasized the importance of the Bahraini government being prepared to listen to sincere calls for reform, whether from within the country or abroad, and to work towards achieving development, peace, justice, and equal opportunities for all citizens, so that Bahrain could serve as a model for coexistence, progress, and democracy.

These were the highlights of the statements on the thirteenth anniversary of the February 14 Revolution.

source: lualuatv


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