In a resounding rejection of normalization and a reaffirmation of unity with the Palestinian cause, thousands of Bahraini citizens gathered in front of the Judiciary building in the capital, Manama, in response to the call of the Bahraini Association for Resisting Normalization under the slogan “Jerusalem Is Our Compass.”

Renewed chants demanded the cancellation of normalization agreements with Israel and an end to the massacres in the Gaza Strip, with protesters emphasizing the importance of the international community’s role in achieving justice and stopping Israeli violations.

In its statement, the Bahraini Association for Resisting Normalization called on the government to cancel all normalization agreements and ensure the right to peaceful protest, affirming the necessity of solidarity with the Palestinian people in confronting occupation and violations.

Meanwhile, the General Federation of Bahraini Workers called for an end to Israeli aggression in Gaza and the facilitation of humanitarian aid entry into the besieged territory, expressing full solidarity with the Palestinian people in their plight.

Participants in the rally affirmed the continuity of Palestinian resistance against occupation, indicating that victory will inevitably belong to the Palestinian people.

It is worth noting that this gathering reflects the will of the Bahraini people to support the Palestinian cause and reject normalization with the Zionist entity, despite some differing official stances.

source: lualuatv


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