In a new and concerning development, it has been confirmed that political detainee Youssef Hassan Mohamed has experienced serious health complications in recent days while inside the jaw central prison.

Sources within the prison reported that Mohamed’s condition has significantly deteriorated, exhibiting several symptoms indicating severity, including sudden falls, tremors, loss of consciousness, skin yellowing, pallor, and profuse sweating.

Regarding medical procedures, the decision of the prison administration not to transfer Youssef Hassan Mohamed to the hospital for treatment has sparked widespread controversy within humanitarian and legal circles. Despite delays by the prison authorities, he was eventually transferred to the prison clinic last Friday but was returned to his cell late at night without notable improvement in his health condition.

In this context, it is noteworthy that Youssef’s condition continues to raise concerns, especially with the recurrence of symptoms and his lack of response to the treatment received within the prison. Given the nature and severity of his condition, there is strong demand for his transfer to a specialized medical center to receive the necessary medical care and ensure stability in his health condition.

It is expected that demands for the transfer of Youssef Hassan Mohamed to a specialized medical center will persist until he receives the required treatment and regains his health, amidst increasing international and local pressures to intervene to ensure the rights of detainees and ensure the provision of necessary medical care for them.

source: lualuatv


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