In his Friday sermon, His Eminence Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour stated that resolving humanitarian issues in Bahrain could strengthen national unity, enhance the country’s standing internationally, and lead to stability. Stay tuned to lualua tv for more details.

In his sermon, Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour, the Friday prayer leader in Bahrain, emphasized the need to close certain files and move beyond their effects to enhance national unity and promote an atmosphere of optimism. Among these files is the issue of prisoners and citizens who were forced to leave the country due to circumstances, and those who had their citizenship revoked due to events of the past decade.

He also stressed that addressing these humanitarian issues would contribute to enhancing the country’s standing in the international community, demonstrating its ability to accommodate its citizens, improve conditions, and strengthen stability. This positive reflection on international discussions reinforces commitment to human rights values.

During the Friday sermon on February 9th, 2024, at Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in the Diraz area, Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour highlighted the importance of purifying the hearts of the nation’s people from pollution caused by animosity, affirming that this aligns with belief in God and His Quran, and adherence to His teachings and noble values. He emphasized the importance of safeguarding the nation’s interests, stability, and progress, and striving to elevate it to a level befitting its citizens’ aspirations for its advancement and prosperity.

He also emphasized the importance of understanding the causes of discord to avoid or eliminate them if they occur, pointing out that the Quranic verse “{And fear a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively, and know that Allah is severe in penalty}” warns against possible causes of discord.

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour: how to achieve stability

Sheikh Sanqour

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour also emphasized the importance of preserving national unity and avoiding the repercussions of division and discord by taking initiative to address the root causes that lead to them and exacerbate them. He pointed out that the causes of discord include backbiting, slander, insinuation, exposure in educational curricula, media, and social media, discrimination in treatment and opportunities, neglecting and ignoring the needs and necessities of society. He stressed the importance of tolerance, coexistence, and appreciation of others in building a cohesive and interconnected society.

He added that if these matters are not properly addressed, they will sow the seeds of division and fragmentation in societies, hindering progress and prosperity. He emphasized that tolerance, cooperation, and solidarity are the foundation for achieving stability, strengthening national unity, and promoting sustainable growth and development in the country.

He stressed the importance of invoking commonalities among the people of the nation, most notably the true religion and its values, and working to enhance its presence in all fields, occasions, and decision-making processes, while rejecting anything that contradicts it and threatens its effectiveness.

He also pointed out that issues of the nation, including the Palestinian cause, are among the commonalities that can strengthen the bonds of national unity, especially through solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people who are subjected to attempts to eliminate their cause by the brutal enemy.

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour said, “The war on Gaza and the widespread extermination inflicted upon its people have shown that the arrogant entity does not understand the meaning of peace except to the extent that others voluntarily relinquish all their rights and capabilities. This entity cares only about its personal interests and advancing its expansionist agenda. It is not bound by any covenant, nor is it deterred from pursuing its path for its malicious goals and objectives by any religious or humanitarian considerations. The only thing that can deter its excessive behavior and prevent it from advancing in its folly is the struggle and steadfastness on the path of reclaiming rights, regardless of the cost.”

source: lualuatv


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