The Friday prayer speaker in Bahrain, Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour, said that one of the most significant outcomes of the unjust war on Gaza is raising awareness, awakening, and understanding of the deceptive reality of the West, which claims to champion and defend human rights globally. Details are available on the

He also pointed out that anyone with insight knows that the deceitful West continues to be, and will not cease to be, a source of human suffering worldwide. The developments have shown that its unlimited support for the occupying Zionist entity and the heinous crimes and massacres committed against the Palestinian people, including children, women, and civilians, is a glaring indicator of its dark reality and its ongoing policies towards oppressed nations across the globe.

In the Friday sermon on February 2, 2024, at the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in the Diraz area, His Eminence Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour affirmed that the deceitful West is the entity targeting the children and women of Gaza, committing heinous and horrifying massacres. The deceitful West shows support for the occupying entity by providing weapons, equipment, and supplies, enabling it to achieve military dominance and participate in programs aimed at enhancing its influence. It diligently works to ensure the impunity and avoidance of condemnation for the occupying entity, utilizing its massive media machinery to improve the occupation’s image, portraying it as a victim seeking peace and rejecting terrorism.

Sheikh Sanqour observed that supporting a Nazi gang and a ruthless occupying organization demonstrates a lack of humanity. The use of prohibited weapons to destroy innocent lives, homes, schools, hospitals, shelters, and participating in the siege of the oppressed, hungry, and deprived reveals that the supporter and the recipient of support are two sides of the same coin, working hand in hand against humanity.

He also added that the outcomes of the war on Gaza reveal the extent of the gross deception practiced by the deceitful West towards its own people and the peoples of the world. Therefore, it has become evident that placing trust in the West is not in the best interest of individuals, institutions, or entities that prioritize their interests, identity, and values. They should not rely on its objectives and intentions, or engage in its projects.

The Sheikh also emphasized that a rational person, upon discovering someone adopting aggressive behavior towards others and getting involved in specific matters through twisted and inhumane methods, finds it difficult to rely on the rest of their programs, slogans, and commitments. Otherwise, they would be risking their own interests. This applies when the individual openly declares their aggression and limited involvement in a specific matter. If their history is filled with injustice, aggression, deceit, and fraud, and they have a global impact, trusting them is considered a crime that history does not justify. This is how the West behaves in its oppression towards oppressed nations.

In its eradication of nations like the Native Americans, colonization of their countries in Africa and Asia, plundering their wealth, and planning to ensure the continuity of its dominance and influence over their decisions and resources, the West’s educational projects, economic programs, media, slogans, relationships, and commitments all aim to expand its hegemony and secure continued control over the world’s resources, ideas, and energy.

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour added that in these situations, the West relies on people having short memories, believing that this period will pass and be forgotten. At that moment, it returns to claiming to be a defender of human rights and freedoms, a fighter against corruption, and a supporter of transparency and free media. Through the guise of these deceptive slogans and suspicious roles, it seeks to push forward its malicious projects, which aim to enhance its influence and dominance over the world’s resources.

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour calls for the Arab and Islamic nations

Sheikh Mohammed Sanqour appealed to Arab and Islamic nations, whether as populations or governments, to take decisive and concerted actions to ensure the entry of effective and sufficient humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

He emphasized that hesitation in this matter is no longer acceptable, while Israel and its supporters continue to impose a suffocating blockade on the territory, depriving the population of the most basic necessities of life. The cruelty and audacity have reached a point where they prevent the Refugee Agency from providing simple aid under false pretenses. Ultimately, the children of Gaza, affected by the events of war, face a tragic fate of starvation, exposure to cold, and diseases. The danger of epidemics is escalating due to the use of contaminated water, may god be with them, there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.

source: lualuatv


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